Healenium-Web with Docker
  1. Make sure you have the recent Docker version installed.
  2. Download latest version or clone Healenium repository:
Structure of archive:

  • docker-compose.yaml - compose file to use Healenium with Solenoid as server.
  • docker-compose-selenium-grid.yaml - compose file to use Healenium with Selenium Grid as server.
  • docker-compose-web.yaml - compose file to use Healenium with web approach.
  • docker-compose-appium.yaml - compose file to use Healenium with mobile Appium framework.
  • /db/init/init.sql - init sql file for PostgreSQL
  • /shell-installation/ - directory for install Healenium without docker. That will be described in more detail later.
3. Add Project dependancy


implementation 'com.epam.healenium:healenium-web:3.5.1'
4. Init driver instance of SelfHealingDriver

//declare delegate
WebDriver delegate = new ChromeDriver();
//create Self-healing driver
SelfHealingDriver driver = SelfHealingDriver.create(delegate);
4.1 Init wait driver instance of SelfHealingDriverWait. Healenium support Explicity wait from 3.4.4+ version. In this case, healing will happen after a 10-second wait.

//declare delegate
WebDriver delegate = new ChromeDriver();
//create Self-healing driver
SelfHealingDriver driver = SelfHealingDriver.create(delegate);

WebElement element = new SelfHealingDriverWait(driver, Duration.ofSeconds(10))
5. Create healenium.properties file in resources folder in your project and fill it with the following properties:

recovery-tries = 1
score-cap = .6
heal-enabled = true
hlm.server.url = http://localhost:7878
hlm.imitator.url = http://localhost:8000
6. Up and run docker services:

docker-compose -f docker-compose-web.yaml up -d
Navigate to http://<hlm-backend-address>/healenium/report to check healenium backend is running.
Locally: http://localhost:7878/healenium/report
By default Healenium logging info level. Add simplelogger.properties file in resources folder in your project to retrieve all logs:

Attribures of healenium.properties file:
Evirovemend variables of Healenium-backend (docker-compose-web.yaml):

About Healenium
  • Anna_Chernyshova@epam.com - Project Manager
  • Dmitriy_Gumeniuk@epam.com - Project Supervisor